Execution Database
This page is updated on business days by 12 pm Eastern Time.
Instructions and Usage Notes
* Searches for executions in states or regions will also retrieve federal death sentences that were imposed in those areas. To limit your search only to state-court death sentences, click the “ MORE FILTERS ” button, select the “ FEDERAL ” filter, check the “ No” box, and click the “ APPLY ” tab.
- Results will display in chronological order by default. To sort by other criteria, click on the headings for those fields in the search results.
- Search results are displayed below the search options.
- If no options are checked, the search will display all executions.
- To download the database as a spreadsheet (csv format), click here.
- To find the numerical rank of an execution since 1976 , click on the inmate’s name. The number is listed as “ DPIC ID .”
- This list includes all executions since 1976 . For a historical database of executions, visit our Espy Database page.
- Geographical regions are listed as determined by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Federal Executions are included in the region in which the crime occurred.
- For Federal Executions sort by the federal yes/no column.
- The “ Race of Victim” filter will display all executions involving any victim of the selected race, including cases that involved multiple victims of different races.
- Information in this database is obtained from news reports, state Departments of Corrections and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Older county and victim-gender information was provided by Professor Frank Baumgartner of the University of North Carolina.