Free Printable Cupcake Templates

These free printable cupcake templates are so much fun. Use them to do puffy paint, tempura paint, glitter, or use it as a regular coloring page!

Text that says cupcake templates below <a href=are mock ups of the small, medium, and large templates. " width="1200" height="1200" />

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We had a lot of fun with this cupcake template. My kids were entertained for a good bit which is always nice. I want to share with you the different ways we used this printable.

⭐ Fun ideas for the templates

There are so many fun ways to use these cupcake templates. The large template is what is shown below.

⭐ Tempura paint sticks

The large cupcake template with tempura paint stick paint on it.

The first way we used the cupcake template was by using tempura paint sticks. My kids love using these paint sticks to do art projects with. I love them because they’re not messy like traditional paint.

TBC The Best Crafts Paint Sticks,12 Classic Colors, Washable Paint, Non-toxic, Tempera Paint Sticks for Kids and Students


⭐ How to make a puffy paint cupcake

Free Printable Cupcake Template with puffy paint on it.

The next project we did with this cupcake template was puffy paint. To make puffy paint combine equal parts non-toxic white glue and shaving cream and a few drops of food coloring. Any brand will do. I usually use about ¼ cup of both shaving cream and glue then add a few drops of coloring until it is the right color.

I recommend you put some newspaper or scratch paper down because the puffy paint can seep through regular paper.

1InTheOffice White Glue Bottles, Washable School Glue White, No-Run 4 oz. 4/Pack

Barbasol Shave Cream, Soothing Aloe - 10 oz - 2 pk

⭐ How to make a glitter cupcake

The cupcake template with glitter on it.

I know glitter can be messy but it is also so much fun! To make a glitter cupcake, rub a glue stick on the parts you’d like to be covered in glitter. Next add some glitter and shake! We shook ours over a trash can so that glitter didn’t get every where.