Legal Resources for Dealers & Vehicles

MADA Material - Written Consent Form *UNDER REVIEW*
MADA Material – Secure Reassignments *UNDER REVIEW*
MADA Material – Secure Powers of Attorney *UNDER REVIEW*
MADA Material – Administrative Impoundment *UNDER REVIEW*


May 2024 EV Update

Minnesota EV News

The hyper-kinetic pace of the electric vehicle (EV) world continued through most of 2023. Entering 2024, it continued to roll.

Proper Licensing Required for Waiting Room TVs

The Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC) has contacted some Minnesota dealerships suggesting that content displayed on waiting room TV’s may be.

Announcing a New Endorsed Vendor: Kwik Trip

Kwik Trip has become the latest Endorsed Vendor of the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association.

MADA President Scott Lambert announced the new partnership.

California Ratifies Ban on the Sale of Gasoline-Powered Motor Vehicles

By Model Year 2035, all new passenger vehicles sold in California must be zero-emission vehicles, such as all electric or fuel cell.