IM39 Prototype flight suit

IM39 Prototype is a costume released in early 2018 (late January by En Masse [1] and early March by Gameforge [2] ). It's first flight suit that also works as flying mount. It was know by name "Randun's Mecha Wing Suit" in Korean.

To use flying skill you need to learn a skill book "Flying Skill: Free Flight" (called Mechanical Flight by EME). This skill registers in Learned Skills->Ride mount menu. Drag it to speedbar to switch suit to the flight mode.

Costume comes in red, golden (yellow) and dyeable versions. This is bit odd set since females get suit, face mask and wings, but males don't get wings but get helmet instead.

Weapon Skin [ ]

Costume set includes a Weapon Skin, which comes in two versions and two colors.

Basic version is called IM39 Ventarene and Supercharged Scarlet by EME. And "rare" version "Silver/Red IM39 Hexapleonic" by GF and Turbocharged Crimson by EME.